March 29, 2025 The Newspaper Serving LGBT Los Angeles

Tag: dear aidan

DEAR AIDAN: Bro Wants to Downplay My Relationship with My Husband?

November 26, 2019

November 26, 2019

Dear Aidan! The Holiday season is coming up and I am going to be going back to my hometown for...

DEAR AIDAN: My Ex-Boyfriend’s Current Boyfriend Hates Me!

November 1, 2019

November 1, 2019

Dear Aidan: I am friends with my ex boyfriend, like pretty close to him. Unfortunately it seems that his new...

DEAR AIDAN: Feeling Uninspired By My Own Ambition

October 14, 2019

October 14, 2019

Dear Aidan,  Currently I am in a dead end, low paying job that I am very unhappy at. I want...

DEAR AIDAN: Feeling Idle in Los Angeles

October 3, 2019

October 3, 2019

Dear Aidan, I know it seems like a stupid simple problem but I just moved to Los Angeles area and...

DEAR AIDAN: Feeling Disappointed, Discouraged

September 27, 2019

September 27, 2019

Dear Aidan, I was wondering if you can help me… I am so disappointed in my dating life! Everytime I...

DEAR AIDAN: Disclosing HIV Positive Status?

July 25, 2019

July 25, 2019

Dear Aidan: I am HIV Positive and am jumping into the dating world. I know that there is a stigma...

DEAR AIDAN: Why Doesn’t He Like Me?

July 15, 2019

July 15, 2019

Dear Aidan, I have a person that I see often in the community who is always out to get me....

DEAR AIDAN: How to Avoid Ex at L.A. Pride

June 4, 2019

June 4, 2019

Dear Aidan, I am going to a Pride party this weekend! Unfortunately I recently had an ugly breakup last week...

DEAR AIDAN: Facing Racism While Trying to Hook Up at Pride

May 17, 2019

May 17, 2019

By Aidan Park Dear Aidan, I felt I could write to you because you could relate to this issue in...

DEAR AIDAN: Growing to Love Myself?

May 6, 2019

May 6, 2019

Dear Aidan! I feel so ugly so often! Is there anything you can do to help me with my confidence...