July 27, 2024 The Newspaper Serving LGBT Los Angeles

Author: Doug Montgomery

Trump Pushes Trans Ban… Again

April 9, 2018

April 9, 2018 4

After the original ban was rejected by the higher courts, a new anti-trans bill returns.

Court: Civil Rights Act Protects Sexual Orientation

March 18, 2018

March 18, 2018 108

A historic court decision could lead to better LGBTQ+ workplace protections nationwide.

Following Brutal Murder, Legislation Would Expand Hate Crime Definition

February 21, 2018

February 21, 2018 879

Blaze Bernstein’s brutal murder has caused officials to rethink the way they deal with LGBTQ+-motivated violence.

Southern Grocery Chain Denies PrEP to Employees

February 14, 2018

February 14, 2018 222

Publix pharmacies have been finding ways to deny clients access to PrEP.

Missouri Legislator Wants to Ban Conversion Therapy

January 31, 2018

January 31, 2018 62

Missouri House Rep. Tracy McCreery seeks to outlaw gay conversion therapy in the state.

Once Unthinkable, California May Rethink Prop 13

January 17, 2018

January 17, 2018 64

California’s Proposition 13, which allows landowners to save big on taxes, may be up for debate this year.

West Hollywood Among First California Cities to Sell Legal Recreational Weed

January 11, 2018

January 11, 2018 208

On January 2, West Hollywood dispensaries opened their doors for legal marijuana sales.

The Supreme Court Will Not Decide if Anti-Gay Discrimination is Illegal – At Least, Not Yet

January 3, 2018

January 3, 2018 2,665

In 2015, Jameka Evans was fired as a security guard at Georgia Regional Hospital for being gay.

At the Intersection of Civil Rights, LGBTQ+ Community Stands With DREAMers

December 17, 2017

December 17, 2017 1,792

For undocumented LGBTQ+ immigrants, deportation carries extra risks.

HIV-Positive Activist Wins Second Term as Mayor in Rural Pennsylvania

November 28, 2017

November 28, 2017 1,404

After a unanimous win in 2016, Sean Strub was re-elected as mayor of Mitford, Pennsylvania this November.