March 12, 2025 The Newspaper Serving LGBT Los Angeles

There’s Nothing Wrong With Being You

For generations, being anything other than heterosexual presented many challenges throughout life. Today, however, society as a whole is becoming aware that people are also lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual and queer (LGBTQ). They have the same values and want to co-exist remaining true to their sexual preference without ridicule and rejection. In order to magnify the current environment, you must remain true to yourself. 

A Diverse Population

Living in LA makes it easier to face the world and reveal your true sexuallity. The diverse population consists of a multitude of ethnicities and also has a greater percentage of gays, lebians and bisexuals than most areas. Finding locations within the city where others of the same sexual preference live and congregate allows you to experience a better quality of life. Using sites like Nextdoor provides a wonderful starting place to connect with those you find the most comfort. 

The site is both friendly and welcoming. It gives you access to real-time neighbors and the measures in place like Nextdoor’s racial profiling prevention strategies, make it easy to  converse with others on topics like where to find the best restaurants, local parks and entertainment all while being safe knowing that hurtful or hateful language is not welcome. 

Eliminating Bullying 

School can be horrifying for young adolescents who recently discovered their true sexual preference. Schools in LA make every effort to provide all their students with an environment that promotes learning and stands against targeting those deemed different. Project 10 ensures that the rights of students who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender are treated with compassion, and are offered support and the promise of safety. After over a year of remote learning, teachers and counselors are on board to make certain that the return to in-school classes is accommodating and rewarding for all its students. 

Your True Identity

Unfortunately, due to discrimination of the LGBTQ community, many people live life without ever experiencing true intimacy. They cover their desires and never experience true happiness. Being true to who you really are is important to your health. This release of self-expression will remove a heavy weight from your shoulders.  

Finding Love

Suppressing your inner feelings regarding the perfect partner will prevent you from finding true love. There are many more people with the same sexual orientation as you than you think. Unfortunately, up until recently, most would remain in inner cities and accept a disappointing loveless life. Today, a new awareness and past and present movements by the gay and lesbian community members, makes it easier to open yourself up to others and make long-lasting commitments in any community. 

A Life of Success

You work just a hard as your heterosexual co-workers. Today, most businesses are trying to remove any type of stigma attached to LGBTQ workers. Discrimination is simply not tolerated. If you experience any form of discrimination such as lack of an earned raise or a promotion, or endure a hostile or intense environment weekly, you have rights

You have one life to live. Whether you’re heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, you must be true to yourself. Once you accept who you are, others will also accept your true identity. You’ll also have more successful relationships and improve your chances of experiencing love and happiness. 

in gay, Life
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