January 22, 2025 The Newspaper Serving LGBT Los Angeles

Category: POLITICS

Tillerson declines to say whether ‘gay rights are human rights’

January 11, 2017

January 11, 2017 132

President-elect Trump’s nominee for secretary of state on Wednesday declined to specifically say whether “gay rights are human rights.” “American...

White House backs formal ‘lavender scare’ apology

January 9, 2017

January 9, 2017 180

Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday formally apologized to State Department personnel who were fired during the so-called “lavender...

Thank You, Meryl Streep – from an LGBT journalist

January 9, 2017

January 9, 2017 165

  BY KAREN OCAMB  |  Like so many in the audience at the Golden Globes Sunday night, I held my breath...

Eric Bauman to CA LGBTs: Democrats have your back but get engaged

January 6, 2017

January 6, 2017 184

BY KAREN OCAMB  |  First Lady Michelle Obama choked up delivering her final message to young people from the White...

Trump’s gays ready to party

January 4, 2017

January 4, 2017 184

At least three LGBT Republican sponsored events, including a “Deplora-Ball,” are scheduled to take place in or near Washington during...

What could be worse than Donald Trump for LGBT people and the nation?

December 27, 2016

December 27, 2016 169

BY KRISTEN PRATA BROWDE | It’s time to get real about what’s facing us, and about who the real enemy...

Possible Senate seat for Roy Moore, Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice who defied the US on sex-marriage

December 21, 2016

December 21, 2016 127

BY TROY MASTERS  |  Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley, seeking to replace United States Senator Jeff Sessions (who has been selected...

BREAKING: North Carolina Republicans renege on deal to repeal HB2 ‘in full’

December 21, 2016

December 21, 2016 116

BY ZACH FORD  for Think Progress |   After deliberating all morning and into the afternoon in a closed caucus...

Trump for $ale and the killing of animal rights

December 20, 2016

December 20, 2016 159

BY KAREN OCAMB  |  The Trump family just can’t seem to stop brazenly marketing and selling themselves to the highest...

Obama: Russia wins if U.S. adopts value to ‘discriminate against people’

December 16, 2016

December 16, 2016 140

BY CHRIS JOHNSON  |  Amid growing revelations that Russia engaged in cyberattacks on the United States to influence the election...