Specialized Master Trainer, Shevi Baruch helps patients using Gyrotonic to reduce pain and improve their lives
For twelve years, following a surgical procedure, Beth was often unable to stand or walk without some discomfort or pain. “It was sciatic nerve pain,” Beth explained. “It had to do with the lower back. I had my muscles in my abdomen cut because of a surgery. It’s really hard to engage your abdominal muscles so you’re incorrectly using your back muscles.”
Even with a professional background in yoga, meditation and working with patients who suffered from chronic pain, Beth still struggled with learning how to use her body correctly to address her own pain issues without re-injuring herself. A friend introduced her to Gyrotonic®, a method of exercising that simultaneously stretches and strengthens your body with minimal efforts, while increasing range of motion, creating space in the joints, and strengthens the muscles around the bones. Beth decided to experience it for herself and started at Body Rhythm, located on Wilshire Boulevard in Santa Monica, working with the founder, Shevi Baruch, and Betty Townsley.
“They really knew what they were doing,” Beth explained. “What I loved about working with Shevi is that she had the patience to meet me where I was at. While I felt better right away, it took a while before the pain that I came in for was completely gone. But it is. It’s really a miracle. To feel happy in my body is huge. I’m going to be 70 years old. I feel better than I did 20 years ago.”
Shevi’s’ journey into the Gyrotonic method began after years of studying anatomy, physiology and kinesiology in Israel. She received a Bachelor’s degree in Speech Therapy and Clinical Audiology and a Master’s degree from the Program of Brain Sciences at the Bar-Ilan University. After experiencing a serious injury, Shevi started taking Pilates classes and eventually began teaching Pilates. “I realized that by helping people with their body, I could actually help with many other problems,” Shevi explained. “Reducing or eliminating pain changes the way we approach life.”

After moving to the United States, Shevi was introduced to the Gyrotonic and the Gyrokinesis® method and eventually became a master trainer in the method.
The Gyrotonic method utilizes unique equipment, the Pulley Tower, for example, is made up of handles, pulleys and weights. The equipment is important because it gives you a resting place, a guidance, a support, so you can have multiple joint articulations without compression. Gyrokinesis, utilizes only a stool and a floor mat. Participants are guided through all the natural movements of the spine with corresponding breathing patterns. This approach systematically and gently works the joints and muscles through rhythmic and undulating movements similar to those done on Gyrotonic machines.
Instructors at Body Rhythm are highly trained certified Gyrotonic, Gyrokinesis instructors and rehab specialists. While they are capable to work with people suffering from varying degrees of pain, many of their clientele are athletes and active people. Gyrotonic is essentially for everyone. For all ages and all physical conditions.
“Juliu, the creator of this system says that Nature gives you the potential but you have to do the work. You have to practice. – It’s the clients that do it themselves,” Shevi continued. “We just guide them. We share with them our knowledge. Once you find the space yourself and when you find it yourself, it becomes yours.”
For more information about Body Rhythm Pilates & Gyrotonic call (310) 255-1177 visit TheBodyRhythm.com, follow them on Facebook and Twitter or visit them at 2114 Wilshire Boulevard, Santa Monica CA, 90403