Break out your bikinis and board shorts, ladies because Dinah Weekend is upon us. This five-day celebration for queer women in Palm Springs is kicking off April 4–8 and we can’t wait! The Pride L.A. spoke with event creator/CEO/executive producer/badass extraordinaire Mariah Hanson. Check it out below:
In one sentence, What is The Dinah weekend?
The Dinah is a five day music festival created for women and designed to empower, inspire, create celebration through living out loud, through the common bond of music and community.

What should first time attendees expect?
A whirlwind of the most amazing female energy, inclusiveness, and celebration.
What caused you to create the event? Was there a specific catalyst?
The idea that there was so little women events of any real caliber. As a generalization, we were tucked away in dark bars in the far side of town as if that was all we deserved. I wanted to introduce the concept that we deserve a hellofa lot more than that. God bless those early women who even created this spaces for us, but I had a vision to offer the highest caliber of event I had in me as a collective community statement that we are worth it.
In comparison to LA Pride or Palm Springs Pride, what is The Dinah weekend like?
It’s female centric so the energy is very feminine, how ever that is defined by each woman. It’s an incredible empowering experience to be with that many women having the time of their lives, celebrating their lives.

What is some of the good that comes out of The Dinah weekend?
We offer our attendees strong women role models through the artists we choose and the we offer a sense of unity through the community we create. We are stronger when our voices are raised unity, even if its to celebrate.
What is new and exciting this year?
We have an incredible talent line up. Each artist we present this year is a not to miss performance. We’re doing body art on stage and a baseball demonstration by Crissa Jackson, a Harlem Globetrotter, we have full bands that present a stadium like concert and then we have acts that express gender fluidity and expression. It’s going to be an amazing year.

For more information, visit the website at