July 26, 2024 The Newspaper Serving LGBT Los Angeles

How to Build a More Diversified Investment Portfolio

When the market is doing well, it might feel like you can sell any stock for at least the amount you paid for it. However, it is impossible to predict how the market will be doing at any given time, so it’s important to diversify your portfolio so you will have a more even spread of gains across different market conditions. There are a few ways you can diversify your portfolio to increase your returns and ensure you have a more even mix across the board.

Consider Real Estate

Real estate is still a great investment because it has historically had high returns. However, it is only a good option if it provides you with a high enough return. The occupancy rate is one of the most important metrics when it comes to how high of a return you will get. Even before you buy, you should consider similar homes’ occupancy rates. If you want to know more, you can look at a guide with information on everything you should know about occupancy rates.

Look to Index Funds

You might want to add index funds to your mix, or you could look into fixed-income funds. These types of securities can help you diversify for the long-term fixed-income solutions will help you hedge against uncertainty or volatility in the market. These typically try to reflect the value of the bond market. One bonus of index funds is that they tend to have low fees, giving you more money and a higher return. 

There are few operating or management costs because it does not take a lot to run them. Still, there are a couple of drawbacks, and one is that they tend to be relatively passively managed. A more hands-off approach saves you money, but if the market is inefficient, it might not work. More active management can be a better approach if the economy isn’t doing well.

Continue Adding to It

Just because you have a well-diversified portfolio doesn’t mean you are done adding to it. But you also don’t have to live on a shoestring budget to allocate huge lump sums towards this either. As you have more funds, consider using dollar-cost averaging to spread out money across different areas. This will reduce your risk by allowing you to invest a similar amount of money over time. This simply means you regularly invest your funds into a certain number and type of securities. This helps you buy when prices are low and not buy when prices are high.

Know When You Should Leave

Dollar-cost averaging and holding on to your investments for a while can be good strategies to grow your savings. However, just because you have a good portfolio set up does not mean you should ignore how it is going. It’s important to keep up with market changes and to stay current with all your investments. You want to keep up with how companies in your portfolio are doing. This can help you determine if it is time to get out and move on to the next thing. Otherwise, you could lose all your assets related to that company.

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