By Dr. Evan Goldstein, founder of Future Method
When it comes to sex, the majority of gay men don’t have access to proper sex education, nor has there been safe and appropriate anal douching products, both of which can have real consequences. As a result, we’ve all been douching wrong. Let me break it down.
Water vs. Enemas
It’s no secret that douching is a common practice among those who are bottoming. However, most people don’t know that water (hypotonic) and store-bought enemas (hypertonic) should be avoided at all costs for anal douching. The cells in your rectum are hypersensitive and the use of non-substantiated products can not only cause these cells to become irritated, but also disrupt a healthy anal microbiome (a group of good bacteria that live in the anus and rectum). Due to this, one can develop excessive amounts of cellular damage that can lead to the symptoms of cracking and dryness in the area, as well as increased mucus production. So what are the consequences of these laid out issues, you ask? This can lead to micro cuts and tears, which have been shown to increase the risk of contracting STD’s and HIV.
Enemas are meant to be used only a few times over the course of your life, if even at all. Their main purpose is to relieve constipation and prepare your rectum for an examination or procedure, like a colonoscopy. While enemas can assist in the removal of waste, if used consistently, this cleansing method actually has potentially dangerous results due to the chemicals they contain.
How Much is Too Much?
The more liquid you use, the more times you rinse, the cleaner you will be, right? Wrong!
My motto is quite the opposite: less is more, which is why I designed the Future Method anal douche to be only 3.4 fluid ounces and with the suggestion that you only need to fill up your bulb twice. My goal was to use science and my experience as an anal surgeon to help simplify your pre-sex routine.
Over-douching – cleaning too deep, with too much force, or with too much water (either all at once or through too many applications) – can cause long-lasting problems, including irritation of the region. When you douche with other, larger bulbs in the market and insert 7+ fluid ounces in one squeeze, the liquid ends up going too far beyond the rectum, into the sigmoid colon, where feces is stored. This can actually make the situation even messier than if you hadn’t douched at all.
Finding an Isotonic Solution
Throughout my years as a surgeon treating specific health issues within the gay community, I’ve always kept a close eye on the market and could never recommend products for douching – until now. Enter Future Method: a new type of sex care, focused on bringing healthy, mind-blowing sex to the gay community.
The Future Method Anal Douche & Solution is truly the first of its kind on the market. It’s the first scientifically-formulated, isotonic douche that gently – yet effectively – cleanses the rectum to prepare for the heightened sexual experience we all deserve. Isotonic is essentially is a state that allows for the free movement of water across your cell membranes, without disrupting your anal cells and, therefore, properly cleansing the rectum. We want you to be well prepared to bottom for any intimate moment.
It’s my philosophy that preparing for sex should be just as enjoyable as sex itself. With over 4.5 million gay men in the US, it’s about time our community had a brand designed to meet our needs.

About Dr. Evan Goldstein – Dr. Evan Goldstein is the founder of Future Method, a new kind of sex care focused on bringing healthy, mind-blowing sex to the gay community. Dr. Goldstein is also the founder and CEO of Bespoke Surgical, a surgical practice for modern males based in Los Angeles and New York. He received his medical doctorate from the University of Medicine and Dentistry School of Osteopathic Medicine in 2002. Being an out surgeon has enabled him to serve the gay community with a knowledge and focus that is unparalleled within the industry, uniquely positioning him to completely transform the sex care landscape.