March 4, 2025 The Newspaper Serving LGBT Los Angeles

Queering the Airwaves: Two New Podcasts You Need to Check Out


If you’ve ever wondered just how much source material two lesbians can get out of Joss Whedon’s cult TV show “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” the answer is: You truly have no idea. When newlyweds Kristin Russo and Jenny Owen Youngs get together each week to talk about the mysteries of the Buffy-verse, it’s a deep dive into 90’s culture, feminism, and one of the first specifically queer-coded shows many of us were exposed to as kids. You might assume that not having seen all (or any) of “Buffy” might set you back apace with this podcast – and you’d be wrong. Russo and Owen Youngs get to the deep, universally queer meaning of Sunnydale’s goings-on, using the text of “Buffy” to open up stories about their own lives, their own queerness, and the many ways we find meaning in pop culture as young adults.


If you’re already a fan of “Collectively Speaking” or “The Read,” you’re not going to want to miss out on Kristen McCallum and Lamika Young’s #SafeWordSociety, an intimate space where Young and McCallum talk to guests about queerness, intersectionality, dating, and the trials and tribulations of living in New York City as young, queer women of color. Listen if you want to hear some elegant shade thrown, understand the difference between every queer-friendly and queer-centric dating app, or just want to feel you’re in great company.

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