Brentwood’s Dangerous Intersections Targeted for Safety Improvements
Following the tragedy at a notoriously dangerous intersection, Brentwood residents are demanding meaningful action to improve pedestrian and traffic safety along San Vicente Boulevard. In response to mounting criticism, Councilwoman Traci Park’s office has outlined planned improvements.
An email from her office said, “After this accident, my colleagues and I have received many emails and communications about it. I would like to share what our office is doing to improve traffic and pedestrian safety along San Vicente Boulevard.
As I am sure you are aware, several intersections along San Vicente are challenging to cross, especially for seniors and those with disabilities. Thus, we have worked with the Bureau of Street Services to fulfill accessibility improvements at some of the widest San Vicente intersections, starting with Gorham in a few months. This project includes accessibility ramps, sidewalk expansions, and improvements on the median to help people safely cross.”
“For years, San Vicente’s intersections have been a source of frustration and fear for pedestrians and drivers alike, particularly seniors and individuals with disabilities who struggle to navigate the area’s wide crossings. Despite persistent community advocacy, tangible improvements have been slow to materialize. Now, Park’s office is touting a series of long-awaited accessibility enhancements, including sidewalk expansions, median upgrades, and new accessibility ramps—starting with the Gorham intersection in the coming months.”
Many of the commenters on the post on NextDoor told stories of close calls or even being hit by cars that were speeding and did not stop. They told of drivers’ impatience and disregard for speed limits, stop signs, and stop lights.
Park’s office stated that a virtual meeting would be set to answer questions and listen to neighbors’ concerns and that interested residents should sign up for her newsletter to get the information.
The email added, “Turning specifically to San Vicente / Darlington, this intersection has been a matter of focus for Councilwoman Park. For many years, Brentwood’s community advocates have called for left-turn pockets at these intersections so that traffic lights may steward vehicles and pedestrians in a common manner. At this moment, the Department of Transportation has completed a design plan (which one can see at the 20th minute of this meeting.”
“…We have been working on identifying resources for this project. As for the current traffic light timing, I will reach out to the Department of Transportation and ask for the timing pattern to be assessed so that the intersection is more accommodating to pedestrians.”