City Honors Influential Women, Hosts Various Programs Throughout March
The City of West Hollywood is gearing up to celebrate National Women’s History Month throughout March with a lineup of events dedicated to recognizing and honoring women’s contributions and history.
The festivities will kick off officially with the unveiling of two new Women’s History Month street pole banners honoring transgender pioneer Marsha P. Johnson and country music legend Dolly Parton. This presentation took place at the West Hollywood City Council meeting on Monday, March 4, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the City’s Council Chambers/Public Meeting Room. The street pole banners will showcase along Santa Monica Boulevard, and globe lanterns above the boulevard will glow purple and gold from March 5 to March 22.
The City will host various events throughout the month, including on March 5, when the City and its Women’s Advisory Board will co-sponsor the Guaranteed Abundance: Guaranteed Income Advocacy Training at the West Hollywood Library Community Meeting Room.
Women and Books, a monthly book club featuring works by women authors, will discuss “The Paris Bookseller” by Kerri Maher on March 5. MashUp Contemporary Dance Company’s annual International Women’s Day Dance Festival will commence on March 8 with the LA Women in Dance Summit at Plummer Park’s Great Hall.
The Hollywood Chapter of the National Organization for Women (Hollywood NOW) will present the Annual Herstory Awards & Reception on March 13, honoring former West Hollywood Mayor and City Councilmember Abbe Land.
The Women’s Advisory Board will host the Women’s History Month Party on March 15, honoring the contributions of women and the Board’s over 30 years of service.
The month will conclude with the 27th Annual West Hollywood Women in Leadership Awards and Reception on March 27 at the Andaz West Hollywood. The event, co-sponsored by the City and the Women’s Advisory Board along with the West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, will benefit the Rape Treatment Center at UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center.
For a detailed schedule of City events, visit