Danny is your average Brooklyn party boy. This year, he and his friends couldn’t be more excited about the upcoming “Brooklyn Annual Enema Party”; one of Brooklyn’s biggest party events! While the night starts out fun, it quickly takes a turn when Danny is attacked by a stranger. He survives, but now a year later, Danny decides to give his social life a second chance. Wrong choice – as Danny and everyone else who helped him that night, are in danger. A man wearing a unicorn mask is killing off Brooklyn, one queen at a time, and he won’t stop until he has his revenge.
Sound interesting? The Pride L.A. spoke with the director Drew Bolton and writer & prducer Jose Alvarez for an inside scoop on this exciting queer thriller. Check it out:
Can you introduce yourselves?
Drew Bolton: I’m Drew Bolton, director of Killer Unicorn
Jose Alvarez: I am Jose Alvarez, writer and producer of Killer Unicorn
In one sentence, what is “Killer Unicorn”?
DB: “Killer Unicorn” follows a masked masc 4 masc seeking revenge on the queer community who put him in his place but went too far.
JA: A queer campy slasher about the dangers of toxic masculinity and white male fragility.
Where did the inspiration come from?
DB: Jose bought a unicorn mask and posted a picture on instagram that ended up getting a lot of likes and thought to himself “why not make this a movie?”
JA: I have loved horror my entire life and felt like the queer community didn’t have the slasher icon we deserved.
Who is the intended audience?
DB & JA: As much love as we get from the queer community, its very cool to see how insanely positive the reactions are from straight and older audiences! Everyone is welcome at our party.
On a scale of 1 to “Texas Chainsaw Massacre,” how scary is it?
DB & JA: “Misery” if Annie Wilkes had been played by Lady Bunny
On a scale of 1 to “Valley of the Dollys,” how Campy is it?
DB & JA: “Desperate Living” if Michael Myers took his knife to Mortville

How is it similar/different to “Rocky Horror Picture Show” ?
DB & JA: We can only aspire to inspire people the way “Rocky Horror Picture Show” has done over the years.
People should feel free to have as much fun watching “Killer Unicorn” as they do watching RHPS: Both films have some very in your face moments and a horny psychopath as their lead; but in its own right, “Killer Unicorn” is a horror film set in present day Brooklyn nightlife.
What was your favorite part/scene to see come to life on screen?
DB & JA: During an acid enema scene, where the unicorn is douching a character with a mysterious substance he asks: “What flavor enema is this? is this sriracha? I love sriracha!…Ow it burns!”
What was the most challenging scene to write/direct? Why?
DB: We had a large cast and shot mostly in the very cold New York winter. Our very first day we were shooting an interior party scene with most of the cast and a ton of extras and the space was freezing. If everyone weren’t a trooper we wouldn’t have gotten anywhere.
JA: The most challenging scene to write was the ending, as we lost the location right as we were about to shoot and I had to re-write it in the spot.
Why should people go watch this movie?
DB & JA: To have a stupid good time while supporting independent queer art.
For more information, visit www.indicanpictures.com/new-releases/killer-unicorns